February 2023 TAPP General Meeting

Minutes of TAPP Inc general Meeting February 14th 2023

Held at St Andrews Anglican Church Upper Gay Terrace, Caloundra

Welcome to Country: Ken acknowledged the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet.

Members Attendance: 14 from attendance book

Apologies: 13 as listed in attendance book

  1. General Meeting

Minutes of previous Meeting November and Update January

Motion by Graeme, seconded Don that minutes be accepted.    Carried


Correspondence from December:

Emails In; 51      Emails Out: 30

Correspondence received in December already processed and reported to meeting. New correspondence for January / February

  • Letter of introduction from Benjamin Child, Operations and Finance Manager for SCEC.
  • Information from Bushcare re My Impact Page, a log on method of connection for members of Bushcare providing opportunities for involvement, notice of rosters etc.
  • Draft Concept Structure and Governance from Caloundra Liveability Alliance
  • Member comment on Bribie Island Split explaining possible reasons and impacts.
  • Email from local resident keen to take action in regard to the Inter Urban Break and impacts of local development. Seeking agreement and additional information and support
  • A community member asking about control of Jet Skis in the Passage.
  • A community member asking about emu breeding on Bribie. Information on our website came from discussion at the Conference in February 2021.
  • Survey from SCEC to assist with development of their Strategic Plan. Survey due by 5th March
  • General notices to and from members.

Motion put that inwards correspondence be accepted and outwards be endorsed

Moved:     Ken                              Seconded: Muriel                       Carried

Summary of Treasurer’s Report:

TAPP General Account 1/1/23                                                               $12401.76

Income Membership/Donation & Interest                                        $      70.12

Balance 31/1/23                                                                                       $ 12472.07

Bells Creek Fund Administration Account                                             $1950.81

Balance General Account & Bells Creek Admin Account                  $14352.76            

Financial Membership currently 50

Motion put that Treasurer’s Report be accepted

Moved: Ken                                                   Seconded: Helen                    Carried

  1. Matters for Information

Bribie Island Report:

  • Graeme advised that the report on Bribie Island Breakthrough had not yet been received. Jason Hunt will provide us with a copy of the report as soon as he receives one. The report was to investigate the causes of the breakthrough and identify any human factors involved, such as dredging in the shipping channels and operation of large ships near the Island. The report will also consider impacts on the shoreline at Golden Beach since the breakthrough. The shipping channel is close to Bribie Island in the breakthrough area and it is considered that this and dredging may be a contributing factor.

Citizen Science Project:

  • Since the Bribie Breakthrough, TAPP members have started a citizen science group to monitor changes within the Passage. This committee has produced some photos and records of changes to provide evidence of impacts and plan potential mitigation. It was the intention that TAPP Inc. would write a letter to the Minister for the Environment and copy to the Member for Caloundra, Jason Hunt, Council CEO and Local Councillor requesting a report on action to mitigate the identified impacts. Due to the pending release of the Bribie Island Breakthrough Report from Government, this will be held over until contents of the report have been considered. In the meantime, members are asked to continue to monitor changes they see.

Update on Drifters:

  • TAPP had been loaned 3 Langandrian Drifters from USC to test water quality, tide flow etc. We had arranged to have these operated by a local resident who lived on the water and was suitably placed to put the drifters in at specified times and record the results. Unfortunately that contact for us is no longer available. The University has a further need to use them so they are currently on loan back to USC. TAPP Inc will eventually get them back and be able to record water quality and flow changes in the Passage.

Future Plans for Pumicestone Passage Catchment Management Body:

  • To date we have been unsuccessful convincing both Councils and the Government to establish an Authority. We have decided at Committee level to change our objective and request the recognition of an Advisory Group. We will discuss with local community groups, including BIEPA in the south of Bribie island, that we will establish an Advisory Group. There appears no way we will convince Government to establish an Authority with funding and complete management control over the Passage as is successfully accomplished by the Gold Coast Waterways Authority.
  • An advisory Group provides community input and does not require commitment of additional money, creation of an Act of Parliament or changes to the bureaucracy currently in existence. It would require Government and Council to recognize the Advisory Group as a legitimate organization, meet regularly and take advice of local needs, therefore providing opportunity to plan and fund management works. This is the most positive approach we feel we can make at this time. It may ultimately lead to creation of an Authority. Community Advisory groups and reference groups are recognized by both Government and Council as a means of long-term consultation and management of projects.

Inter Urban Break Update, New Handout and Comm unity Education :

  • The Handout produced to advise of the Inter-Urban Break has been a “stop gap” action. The main problem with the Inter- Urban Break is that people do not understand it. We previously fought for the IUB in an action called “Stop Halls Creek” a potential development within an area we would like to have included in the IUB and is therefore not and area preferred for development. This campaign failed to address the major benefits of the IUB or adequately define the area and was probably a distraction and counterproductive. There is a need to ensure better community education and understanding of the IUB. The area defined by Government and Council are different with the Council designating a larger area. We need to encourage the Government to recognize this larger area, record it as such in the new South East Queensland Regionl Plan (SEQRP) and to ultimately legislate the region to ensure its ongoing protection.
  • We need to conduct an education process to ensure that all members fully understand the IUB. TAPP Inc are working with SCEC who need to be the driver behind the campaign. We also need to communicate with other local community Groups such as the Caloundra Liveability Alliance. To support this and produce assistance for submission to the new SEQRP, we should produce a draft letter with dot points that are common to all local groups and the community to assist with personal submission writing. Most of us do not look for information unless it is of immediate importance to us. A draft letter and information source is therefore essential. A summary of the IUB prepared for the Residents Association will be attached with the minutes for initial information.

Bells Creek Project and Convergence follow-up:

  • Bells Creek rehabilitation project was intended to buffer the riparian area against future sea level rise. We worked in conjunction with Healthy Land and Water, (HLW), Sunshine Coast Council, (SCC),the Kabi Kabi First Nations People as representative of the Bunya Bunya Aboriginal Corporation (BBCAC), Henzells and Converge Heritage Community, who did Indigenous Heritage studies of the area. We received funding through HLW via the National Land Plan (NLP) Federal Government fund. The project initially involved investigation of local impacts and sites that would benefit by remediation. Four sites were chosen and were to include vegetation planting, shoreline erosion control, development of access points for recreational activities such as kayaking and fishing and creation of signage to educate users of the value of the area. These signs would have include QR Codes to access greater levels of information.
  • The first site chosen for work was immediately off Bells Creek Esplanade at the end of the Energex Powerline Road. This area was revegetated as an initial start to restoration, work being completed by Southeast Land Repair (SELR) who were contracted by TAPP to conduct the work. Weeding and planting was conducted by SELR and approximately 60 plants were placed in the area.
  • Further work was delayed due the need to sign a new contract with HLW which we decided not to do following some issues over the contract for TS Onslow. The project was temporarily stopped during which time, Bribie Island Broke through and all but three of the plants have been destroyed. The project is currently in stand-by pending further assessment of potential benefit when tide impacts stabilise.
  • We undertook at the Convergence we conducted in February 2021 to follow-up with some projects in the catchment. Action on these can be considered as projects for the future and we need to start assessing and prioritizing. Some actions have naturally been changed due to the outcome of the Bribie Island breakthrough.

World Environment Day:

  • This year TAPP have agreed to participate again in World Environment Day (WED) and we plan to hold an event at Fraser Park, Golden Beach on 5th June which will benefit by the regular passing pedestrians along the coastal path as well as visitors to the area. The application for Council approval to use the park needs to be completed and I will process that in the near future.
  • Finance for the event needs to be considered. Do we apply for a grant or fund a lessor event? There are some potential avenues for grants including Stockland who financed last years event of both World Environment Day and Aura Environment Day, (AED).
  1. Matters for Discussion

TAPP Strategic Plan:

  • The original Strategic Plan was written in 2016. This has recently been updated by John Roberts who has produced a chart indicating areas of action for TAPP. This is included as an attachment with the minutes.
  • The purpose of the Plan is to provide guidance for activities/actions that fit within our prime objective, to “Enhance and Protect the Environment of the Pumicestone Passage”. Each heading in the Plan will guide an objective.
  • To effectively benefit from a Strategic Plan, members will be able to accept greater responsibility in their involvement with the issues listed on the Plan. It is considered that members could then make appropriate reports at meetings to advise changes, updates or other issues within this Plan. Members may wish to select a section of the Plan that is of particular interest and become involved specifically with monitoring that issue. This can be done individually or with a committee of supporting members.
  • The Plan will be discussed again at the next meeting and more information will be provided.

Progression Planning:

  • TAPP do not have a plan for progression within the group and as a result, we arrive at the AGM and hope for adequate applicants to fill Executive roles. It is necessary that we progress a more appropriate environment to encourage members to become involved actively in the administration of TAPP.
  • We need to increase the Executive by at least 2 more members. We previously had an Assistant Secretary and the Treasurer and Vice President were separate roles now held by one member. These positions could be filled immediately by volunteers within our active members. The membership of the group is adequate to allow a greater number on the Executive Committee and not be concerned about a Quorum at our meetings. We welcome members who would be prepared to consider a position on the Committee and those who would aspire to leadership roles.
  • This will be discussed again at the next meeting. In the meantime, any members wishing to join the Committee can advise by email their willingness to be involved.

Installation of Memorial Seat at Onslow:

  • TAPP have a Park Bench seat, restored by Don Ritchie, that is to be placarded as a memorial to a founding member, Dawn Wilson, who was also the first Secretary for the group. It was intended that this seat would be situated at TS Onslow, overlooking the mangrove restoration area we became involved with in 2014. This location was severely impacted following the breakthrough of Bribie Island and the siting of the seat has been on hold pending further consideration.
  • The TS Onslow boat ramp and parade ground are undergoing reconstruction shortly and the Naval Cadets are happy to have the seat located on the restored area. TS Onslow will also add a plaque to commemorate the cadets that had served the country in conflict. As the land is leased by the Naval cadets, we do not need Council approval to locate the seat in that area.

Additional Committee Members:

  • This has been discussed during discussion on the Strategic Plan.

Meeting Times and Venue:

  • This issue was discussed originally in May. Our meeting days and times have been governed by the availability of a meeting venue. Todays meeting was a week later than usual due the Power Boat Club undergoing renovations and the St Andrews Anglican Church Hall being available on the second Tuesday. The Power Boat Club is available for us on the first Tuesday of each month. We seek to use locations that can be provided for free. The Power Boat Club should be available for the next meeting in March.
  • Members have been asked to consider other times for meetings and will be discussd again at the next meeting.


  1. New Business:

Caloundra Roving Bushcare Group:

  • Ashley Goodman, who manages the Golden beach Bushcare Group that TAPP members are currently involved, has invited expressions of interest for members who may wish to join other groups. These are organized with two specific working bee times and several options for areas to work.
  • Working Bee 1 scheduled for 1st Saturday of month from 8 am – 10 am.
  • Working Bee 2 scheduled for 3rd Thursday of month from 8am – 10am.
  • Some of the locations are:-

Ben Bennett Reserve

Sharyn Bonney Reserve

Jill Chamberlain Reserve

Sugar Bag Recreation Reserve

Queen Street Reserve and others

  1. General Business

No other general business

  1. Around the Table:
  • Helen, Not finding as much rubbish around Golden Beach which is gratifying.
  • Muriel, Commented on venue and time of meetings. Not available on 1st PBC only available on 1st Tuesday.
  • Denise, Happy to help out with some of the paperwork, letter writing etc. Does not understand many of the acronyms used and would need some education to help out. Does not understand how the local groups fit in together. Happy to become mobilized if someone contacts her. Questioned what is happening with the asbestos issue at Golden Beach?

A contractor there monitoring everyday and checking for material exposed by erosion. Air quality is monitored and samples of buried sites has been monitored. A rock wall and additional fill will cover whatever remains and make it safe.

Some general discussion about the rock walling.

  • Jenny, Has the Report of the Bribie Island Breakthrough been received?

The report is complete and received by the Minister but Jason Hunt has not yet received a copy. We will receive a copy of the report as soon as Jason has read it.

Any further update on the stormwater issues?

Graeme responded that there has been no update yet, however, he has a meeting due with the appropriate Council personnel. Federal funding has been applied for to allow upgrades.

  • Jude, Clean-Up Australia day is on March 5th. WPSQ will be involved at Ben Bennett Park. Night Eyes will be at Fraser Park. Jenny added comments about beach Clean-up has provided a large amount of small plastic. About 500 volunteers collected about 200 kgs of plastic. Info about CUA on Council website under 4551 area.

A second issue are dogs and their impact on migratory seabirds on sandbanks. With changes to sandbanks, local population increase more people are on sandbanks in area where birds are feeding and resting. The Council regulation regarding dogs is limited, however, as the sandbanks are in an area designated as a RAMSAR site and under Federal control. Council has control down to the high-water mark. Education needed so people understand the impact their dogs can have.

  • Graeme, Bill Haddrill from SCC has agreed to attend the next Caloundra Residents (CRA) meeting to be held at St Andrews Church at 7.pm on 28th He will discuss the issue at Shelly Beach as well as others.
  1. Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be at the Power Boat Club at 3:00 pm on Tuesday 7th March

  1. Meeting Closed at 4:35