Minutes of TAPP Inc. General Meeting March 9th, 2021
Held in Wave Room, Caloundra Power Boat Club
All welcomed by President Paul Harney
Paul Acknowledged the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet, The Kabi Kabi and Jinibara people and their Elders, past, present and emerging.
Introductions were made around the table and Karla Ogg was welcomed to her first TAPP meeting.
Attendance: as per attendance book: 13 Members, 1 visitor
Apologies:- as per attendance Book: (6)
Moved: Paul Seconded: John Carried
- Minutes of Previous meeting.
Motion put that minutes be accepted as a true record of meeting 9th February 2021.
Moved: Col Seconded: Allan Carried
- Correspondence:
Invitation from SCC, Peter Armstrong for 2 members to attend a Pumicestone Catchment Group meeting with waterways@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au to discuss regional matters. Meeting, date to be advised, will run from 09:00 to 2:00 pm.
OSCAR and SCEC Newsletter
Summary of engineer response to Erosion on Bribie Island
PCC2021 summary and presentations to be added to TAPP website.
Correspondence from Professor Tom Baldock from UQ supervising Engineering student, Verity Taylor who is studying sand movement on Bribie Island. Application made for funding from Government for the study.
Email from Bernadette Strong. Information about Rotary Club plan to establish Caloundra Community Information Hub.
Elysia Andrews, Coastal Disaster Management attended conference and a lot of correspondence with TAPP re coastal processes.
SCEC re World Environment celebration this year will be conducted throughout the month of June. Expression of Interest was required by 2nd March. TAPP to follow-up and consider involvement.
Neighbourhood Watch organizing a festival on 17th October. TAPP invited to attend with display stall.
World Wetland Day celebrated on 26th February at Baringa High School.
Newsletter from Queensland Water and Landcare, (QWALC)
Moved that Correspondence be accepted: Paul Seconded: Graeme Carried
- Treasurers Report:
Opening Balance $ 16417.23
3 New Memberships $ 60.00
EFT Payment for Mangrove Drawing $ 1045.00
Payment for PCC2021 $ 510.00
Balance as at 28th February $ 14922.37
Moved by John that Treasurers report be accepted. Seconded: Huxley Carried
5.1 Information Items:
Shelley Beach / Moffat Beach Study consultation held at Shelley Beach two weeks ago. John reported he is unsure what the consultation was intended to produce. Poorly attended and related to totally different environments for Shelley Beach and Moffat Beach. Attended by residents who wish to see vegetation removed from area to enhance views.
Graeme reported that a survey conducted by the Council at Moffat Beach had a thousand respondents. Site visits planned with invited community groups.
John reported a small group in Turtle Care to meet with council. Shade cloth installed to protect turtle nesting area from lights has been removed because it restricted views for local residents.
This is an ongoing issue. Poor turtle season this year with low hatchling rate. Need concerted effort to protect the species.
Bells Creek Project report provided for the Neighbourhood Watch news this month.
Pumicestone Passage Local Management Group report: Graeme. The idea is to provide a coordinated management and improved collaboration between groups active in the Passage Catchment. The Steering Committee have applied for the group to become an Incorporated Association. There is a long way left to go to form an Authority that will manage the passage. Legislation is required. More interest in the plan from the southern end of the passage at Bribie Island. The Chamber of Commerce has been briefed and their response is encouraging.
Brady was absent so no update on the research project – Impact of Covid-19 on SC Business. Volunteers are needed to conduct interviews for the survey so any TAPP member who is able to help should contact Brady.
TS Onslow site weeded and pruned by Erica, Di and Paul lately. No resident complaints recently about loss of view or other issues.
Golden Beach revegetation project: TAPP members met with SCC representative to discuss potential areas for vegetation planting, weeding and maintenance in the northern end of the Passage from Bills Boats south for about 300 metres. At the last TAPP meeting about 6-8 members expressed interest in being involved. The next stage is for us to be trained as a “Bushcare” group. Council will advise when this can be done and we can then become involved with the actual work of revegetation.
5.2 Matters for Discussion:
Pumicestone Convergence 2021 discussed. The presentations, Abstracts and other information will be placed on the TAPP website and be available. Members are encouraged to review this information.
Meeting with Jason Hunt. TAPP prepared responses to questions and provided further information for Jason. Specific information was given in regard to Ramsar and the EPBC Act in relation to the Passage.
Bells Creek on site meeting on Wednesday 3rd attended by two SCC personnel to advise on Landscape and environment issues, two Engineers from Covey on behalf of Henzells, Susie Chapman from Healthy Land and Water and Ken on behalf of TAPP.
Funding is available for some of the project and will need to be committed this financial year. A works program has been developed and the SCC will plan some of the restoration, weeding and revegetation in stage 1 in preparation for work to commence. TAPP will receive the funding from HLW and will be responsible for payment for works conducted.
Council have placed purchase offer for significant land sites near Coochin Creek and Roys Road along Pumicestone Passage. No advice yet as the success of their offer. Hopefully these sites will be able to be added to the wetland preservation areas. Good that Council did not ignore the opportunity when advised by TAPP that the land was for sale.
Bribie Island Washover is not considered to be a serious issue by the Department of Environment who advise that the SCC have plans to alleviate any consequences on the mainland shoreline in the Shoreline Erosion Management Plan. Erosion is considered natural and the washover is likely to become a breakthrough in 0-2 years if there is a severe storm.
Graeme, Paul and Ken have been in discussion with Sel Sultman in regard to the erosion and have requested a meeting to further discuss the issue. Sand extraction from Spitfire Channel may have had an impact on sand supply to Bribie Island.
Sand mining from Spitfire Channel and the shipping Channel east of Bribie Island started during wartime. It may simply be coincidence that erosion became evident on the eastern side of Bribie in the 1950’s to the extent it was reported in the Nambour Chronicle and the Golden Beach Progress Association considered it a priority issue. This needs expert explanation.
Large ships transiting the area may also have an influence and it is the combination of all these factors that TAPP would like to discuss and be shown the scientific evidence that will prove that human action has not impacted the Island. If it has been impacted by human action, intervention should be considered rather than “leave it to nature”.
Jason Hunt is preparing to have a community meeting to evaluate and discuss the erosion and will provide experts to inform the community. A date for this has not yet been decided.
The Pumicestone Conference has highlighted this issue and has motivated discussion.
The Rotary Club of Caloundra has supplied information and Concept for a Caloundra Information Hub. Attached the Concept for the Establishment and Development of the Caloundra Information Hub.
Earth Hour is the 27th March. Should TAPP have a social gathering to celebrate Earth Hour? In a previous year we had “Pizzas on The Passage” and also were provided with a boat trip with Bills Boats. We met at Ayliffe Park due to the covered area being a good size to accommodate the members and friends and family.
There is an open invitation to members, family and friends to attend at 4:00 pm at Ayliffe Park. Consider it a BYO, however, we can share cost to purchase Pizzas or other food as per decision on the day.
TAPP should support the Neighbourhood Watch event on 17th October. Further information and Executive discussion will be needed to arrange TAPP involvement.
World Environment Day will be celebrated over the month of June. TAPP could unite with other local groups for a day and have a community presentation. An executive decision needed to decide TAPP involvement. There would be a lot of work to prepare and we need to consider the benefits that may result before making a decision. SCEC requested advice of involvement from community groups by 2nd March, however, we did not receive the information until after that date.
5.3 Matters for Decision:
Motion- That TAPP committee change the manner in which we pay bills That we apply to allow internet banking on our account instead of writing and sending cheques or going to the bank physically each time an invoice needs to be paid. (Model Rules have allowed EFT, however, early TAPP AGM moved use of cheques for all payments.)
Moved: John Seconded: Paul Carried
Motion that TAPP support the creation of a Caloundra Information Hub.
Moved: Paul Seconded: Graeme Carried
- Around the Table:
Muriel apologized for a comment that she made at the commencement of the meeting.
Tony advised the Royal Life Saving Association of Queensland has communicated with the Council in regard to action on behalf of invalid and disadvantaged groups. The Planning Scheme should consider this group for access to coastal recreation.
Ken mentioned the Golden Beach and Pelican Waters Community Association Survey that is currently circulating. Members may wish to complete and return to GBPWCA. Attached with minutes.
Karla mentioned a QR Code Coastal Survey that is around the beach at present by HLW & QUT to assess community experience of waterways in SEQ. The QR Code and Link.
Link: https://tinyurl.com/SunnyHLW
Huxley doing some work with Sea Shepherd and looking for suggestions for fund raising in the area.
John Groves brought a 1962 Map of the Passage to show at the meeting. This map shows tide levels in relation to the Pile Light in Moreton Bay and general tide flow indicating the difference between north and south Pumicestone Passage.
Rick Albert raised the issue of a Priority Development at Burpengary in the Caboolture Catchment, including a Marina on Caboolture River. Any contamination from this development would flow northwards in the Passage and even though situated in the MBRC may have impacts in other areas of the Passage north of the site. The following links will give details of the development.
Meeting Closed at 4:20 pm
Next Meeting will be at the Power Boat Club at 3:00pm Tuesday 13th April