Minutes of TAPP AGM and September General Meeting

AGM and September Minutes of TAPP Inc. September 14th, 2021

Held at the Caloundra Power Boat Club

All welcomed by Paul Harney President of TAPP

Paul acknowledged the traditional owners of the land on which we meet – the Kabi Kabi, Jinibara and the Bribie Island Undandi people, recognizing the care and respect they held for their country and hoped that we could work with them to take care of this beautiful land.

Member attendance: as per attendance book (21)

Apologies : – as per attendance book (3)

Motion put that the apologies be accepted

Moved: Paul             Seconded: Carla                   Carried

Minutes of Previous Annual General Meeting

Motion put that the minutes of last year’s AGM  be accepted as a true record.

Moved: Tony                                    Seconded: Colin                   Carried

Presidents Report

This report was sent to members last month as our meeting was postponed due to Covid uncertainties. Thanks to Paul for all his consistent hard work. We appreciate all the time and immense effort that Paul puts into this task of President.

Treasurers Annual Report was also sent out last month.

Many thanks go to John who has meticulously kept our financial records for the past year. Your work is much appreciated.


Election of office bearers for 2020- 2021

Brady Sullivan will be standing down as our Vice President due to work commitments. Many thanks to Brady for his contribution to TAPP during the past years.

Officer bearers stood down and Allan McKay took the chair

As each position had only one nominee, an election was not called for.

Nomination for President received for Paul Harney

Proposed:      Carla Clynick              Seconded: Ken Mewburn                                         Carried

Nomination for both roles of Vice President and Treasurer received for John Roberts

Proposed:      Ken Mewburn                        Seconded: Carla Clynick                               Carried

Nomination for Secretary received for Carla Clynick

Proposed:      Ken Mewburn                        Seconded: John Roberts                                Carried

Nomination for Assistant Secretary received for Ken Mewburn

Proposed:      Paul Harney                          Seconded: Carls Clynick                                 Carried

Nomination received for the position of Committee member for Graeme Smith

Proposed       Paul Harney                          Seconded Carla Clynick                                   Carried

Motion put that these 4 executive members and one ex-officio member be accepted as the executive committee of TAPP for 2021/22

Moved: Di                                                      Seconded: Brady                                           Carried


Motion put that TAPP remain an incorporated body and continue to follow the rules as set out by the Qld Incorporated Association.

Moved Brady                                     Seconded: Graeme                                     Carried


General Meeting Commenced

Members in attendance and apologies remained the same.

Minutes of  July General Meeting

Motion put that the minutes of our July meeting be accepted as a true record.

Moved: Alan                         Seconded: Jude                    Carried


Treasurers Report

Presented by John with an explanation regarding the split in our account reporting which will outline the funds for our Bells Creek Restoration Project and our TAPP General Fund.

August Treasurer’s Report for Take Action for Pumicestone Passage


As at 31 August 2021
Balance brought Forward from 1/08/2021 $21,094.69                         
Interest   01/08/2021 $.18                                     

Membership Direct Deposits:

$20 X 1 member





1.      Cash for Memberships




1.      Mandrake Accounting – Verification Statement



Net Bank Transaction Fee $ 0                                        
Balance as at 31/08/2021  $                         21,215.87


History of the Healthy Land and Water portion of the TAPP account to date:


  • $14,627.00 – 28 June – Direct Credit from Healthy Land and Water to TAPP account for the administration of Bells Creek Works.
  • $2,581.74 – 16 June – Payment to Southeast Land Repair for Bells Creek
  • $2,394.45 – 2 July – Payment to Southeast Land Repair for Bells Creek restoration works.
  • $9,650.81 – Resulting balance of HLW administration fund.
  • $11,565.06 – Current balance of TAPP account.


This summary will be incorporated into the next Treasurer’s Report.

Motion put that this report be accepted as a true record of our account to date:

Moved: John             Seconded: Carla                               Carried


Business arising from the minutes of the previous meeting.

None reported

Correspondence Paul

Newsletters from

*Organization of Sunshine Coast Association of Residents (OSCAR) – general news and links –-  https://www.oscar.org.au/

*Sunshine Coast Environment Council (SCEC) https://www.scec.org.au/latest_news

*Healthy Land and Water  The Waterways Report Card – Report Card – Healthy Land and Water (hlw.org.au)

*Qld Water and Land Care (QWALC) re National Awards

*Caloundra Hub

* Golden Beach Pelican Waters Neighbourhood Watch – newsletter that incorporates a monthly article from TAPP https://goldenbeach.nhwq.org/

  • Caloundra Livability Alliance – discussed later in this meeting.
  • Rob Comiskey re the permits required by Council to proceed with the Eco –Caravan Park at Coochin Creek
  • Healthy Land and Water – Susie Chapman re the Bell’s Creek project – report on the project and on the archeological study of the Bell’s Creek riparian area.
  • Ben Bennet Park and the proposed roadway which will also be discussed later in the meeting.
  • Division 2 Meeting with Cr Terry Landsberg – see attached flyer
  • SC Environment Council (SCEC) AGM – John will report on TAPP’s ongoing projects
  • SC Council has invited our bush care members to attend an Environmental Forum to be held on the 24th September from 10 – 4  This looks to be informative with guest speakers including Dr Col Limpus OAM-   Register   here. Contact Carla if you need more information.
  • Healthy Land and Water Special Showcase Conference ‘Shaping Future SEQ: Boosting the resilience and livability of our growing region’ is to be held in Brisbane on 25th November The report cards on the health of our waterways will be launched at this forum. To preregister contact Healthy Land and Water at Healthy Land and Water (hlw.org.au)
  • SC Council – Eleven Sunshine Coast residents have joined the New Planning Scheme Community Reference Group (CRG) Find out more at this site – Subscribe to receive updates about the New Planning Scheme Project
  • DES invited TAPP members to a KoalaCollab 2021, which is a series of six 2.5-hour online sessions where leading experts will present on a range of koala conservation topics with opportunities for discussion during a Q&A at the end of each session. Sessions will be live streamed on Wednesdays 13 October – 17 November 2021. See program and register

Motion put that the correspondence be endorsed and accepted.

Moved: Carla                                    Seconded: Jude                    Carried


Matters for Discussion

Bribie Island wash over – Ken /Paul /Graeme

Jason Hunt is organising a meeting with TAPP and has invited Dr Sel Sultman and the Harbour master.

TAPP has met with Dr Helen Fairweather lecturer at SC university, in regard to the sand movement along Bribie. Dr Fairweather is researching the data on sand movement along Bribie and erosion on the west side of the island as well. If there is no data or insufficient data she will encourage her students to study the flow of water from the Lamerough Canal through to the Bar.

Graeme will have a phone conference with Helen soon.

Ken and Graeme also met with council officers from Moreton Bay Council. They are interested in the wash-over issue and are keen to stay informed and involved.

Ken discussed the issue with Council Officer Graham Webb re TAPP meeting with Council.

TAPP has discussed the issue with SCEC at a recent meeting; they are also interested and supportive.

An old report stated that 2 million cubic metres of sand taken from the channels, over the period of 12 months, would have no effect on the sand drift. However, there has been 80 million cubic metres of sand removed from Spitfire Channel and the North West Channel in the past 20 years and we argue that this would likely have had an effect on the sand drift past Bribie Island. There is still more sand to be taken as the Brisbane Council needs sand for reclaimed land in the Port area. The channel that takes the ships to Brisbane – the north west channel, goes directly alongside Bribie Island. It was dredged originally during the war and this channel has been widened considerably in the recent past to accommodate the large container ships. The channel was less than 100m wide and 10 m deep while now it is 15 metres deep and 220 metres wide. South of the spitfire channel there is a big turning area which is also dredged.

TAPP will continue to seek the facts and advocate for the Passage.

Caloundra Livability Alliance – Graeme /Paul

A platform has been set up to allow community groups to cooperate with each other when they have an issue which they feel strongly about and for which they would like community support. Fifty organisations are involved in this alliance.

This alliance allows the group to write a communique to Graeme and Paul outlining their concern. This is then emailed to the 50 groups asking them to consider supporting the issue. This alliance will mean that groups can gain a louder voice on a particular issue.

Value Caloundra Community Communique

We have been sent a communique from a group called “Value Caloundra Community” which is seeking support for their concerns regarding the proposed new link road between Caloundra City and Nicklin Way – the Caloundra Transport Corridor Upgrade (CTCU).  Understanding that road changes must occur in relation to decreasing the traffic issues with the Roundabout at Caloundra Rd – Nicklin Way and Pelican Waters Blvd.  the proposed Road has some serious issues related to public use in the area of the proposed road, Ben Bennet Reserve, Bicentennial Park and active transport. These are outlined in the communique attached. The main three issues are as follows-

  1. The main environmental issue is that the road will change the drainage of water into Ben Bennet Park and this will seriously affect the ecosystems within the Park. There are soft sided drains along the park which will be put into storm water drains and that will increase the volume and velocity of water runoff, it will decrease infiltration into the water table and thereby detrimentally affect the ecosystems changing the environment causing it to lose a great deal of flora and fauna biodiversity.

The arm of the creek – which is essentially Pumicestone Creek which then runs next to the cricket oval and there joins the other arm which comes through bicentennial Park is one of the most flood prone areas of Caloundra – the increased volume of water going through there, along with all the pollutants, will then go into the Passage.

  1. The community issues are that the roadway – (4 lanes plus cycle and pedestrian paths and 6 sets of traffic lights) will be a barrier to those wanting to move through the neighbourhood. The area behind the shopping centre is zoned medium density but the road will restrict these people from walking through the area – or accessing the Park.
  2. This group is requesting that the process have further consideration and consultation.

Motion put that TAPP writes a letter to support the communique from Value Caloundra Community through the Caloundra Livability Alliance.

Moved: Carla                                    Seconded: Di                        Carried

Bells Creek Restoration Project

John explained the project and TAPP will continue to work with HLW to improve the riparian area. There will be works that will not be covered by the grant so we will need to consider sources of further income for these.

Grant from SC Council

We have put in for a grant to develop some Ramsar Education material. We plan to design a brochure to explain what it means for the Passage to be a Ramsar site. If members are keen to assist with the design of the brochure your input would be valued. We have not yet heard if we are successful.

The second part of this strategy is to have signage along the Passage and perhaps on the Motorways to alert visitors that the Passage is a Ramsar sanctuary. We will need to work with Council and State Government on this.

Stockland Aura Community Grant

We have applied for a $10,000 grant to organise and run two events next year in collaboration with Healthy Land and Water.

The first is the World Wetland Day held at Aura in February each year.

The second is the World Environment Day event that we will run in June.

Both events will encourage community groups to set up stalls as well as food and entertainment stalls.

Climate Emergency

SCEC has requested that we contact the SC Council to ask them to declare a Climate Crisis. This creates urgency that there is a need to do something. This is a symbolic action.

There is concern that the language is emotive and scaremongering and that this may hinder the process.  We can let Council know that we are concerned about Climate change and that we feel strongly that Council should act responsibly in their decision making which will impact on the effects of this change. We can use factual statements and words that are not too emotional.

Motion moved that TAPP craft a letter to Council to request that Council declares that we are in a climate crisis. We will call on them to ensure that all their policies recognize the urgency of this issue.

Moved: Paul                          Seconded: Di                        Carried

Dawn Wilson Memorial Bench

Dawn Wilson, who was TAPP’s first secretary, and an amazing warrior in the fight for social justice and the environment has recently passed away.

Paul proposes to engage in a woodworking guru – perhaps Don, to make a park bench to place at the TS Onslow site. We are able to place the chair here, without Council permission, as it is not Council land. We will need to get permission from TS Onslow.

Motion put that TAPP use our funds to place a park bench at the TS Onslow site to honour Dawn’s amazing spirit.

Moved: Muriel                                  Seconded: Craig                   Carried

Around the Table

Tony  – updated us on the transport issues but will give us a more detailed report at the next meeting.

Paul S– has anecdotally noticed that here are less stingrays – both in number and variety in the Passage lately.

Helen – is very concerned that community groups are not focusing on population growth, which is really Earth’s largest problem.

Craig – The sign at the wash-over is not helping the wash-over problem as people are still stopping there as well as all along the banks near the site. Feels that the sign is detrimental to the cause.

Judy – Went to the Plastics Forum at the CSSA Hall last month.

There is a grace period now but there has already been a drastic reduction in the amount of the straws and plastic throw away spoons etc. in our environment.

Graeme – Night-eyes has reported that the incidence of plastic bags in the Passage have also greatly decreased since the ban on the single use shopping bags.

Col – Has found someone who is able to make our TAPP t-shirts. Col will check this out and report back next month.

Muriel – Was happy to announce that she was given wooden spoons and forks when she was at a cafe last week – not plastic!

Diane – Turtle Care on Bribie  received notice from the Dept of Environment and Science (DES) to let them know that they could expect an increase in the number of sick turtles washing up on Beaches because of the increased rainfall which would wash silt and pollutants down to the Passage and along to the Bay. There has been an increase in ill turtles – Australia Zoo has also said they are inundated with ill Turtles at the moment.

Tomthanked the TAPP Executive and congratulated them on a good job.

Jude – Thanked  TAPP for supporting the Value Caloundra Community issue. 2 lanes not 4 have a face book page which is very informative and a website at – https://2lanesnot4.com.au/  They have an e-petition to the Dept. of Main roads that you can sign at – https://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/work-of-assembly/petitions/petition-details?id=3592

The public can send in a comment about the road to Council, this closes at the end of October – any individual can submit a comment to Council – Value Caloundra – 2 lanes not 4, have a form letter if you would like to look at that. Contact Emma at valuecaloundra@gmail.com.

Di – would like to commend the executive for setting up the bush-care group. It was great fun – good fun planting and weeding. There were mainly TAPP and Rotary people there. It is on the second Thursday of each month. We will be starting at 7.30 next month as it is getting too warm later in the day.

Bob – Received a document that tries to educate the public in taking care of the environment. Let us know if you would like a copy.   Website – https://socialjustice.catholic.org.au/

Graeme – The Caloundra Residents Association invite you to attend a special general meeting to discuss the Caloundra Youth Remand Centre with executives from Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs at Caloundra Powerboat Club on Monday September 20 at 7pm. This is a chance to find out what this is all about and make an informed decision.

RSVP through this link



Paul H – Fund Raising event for the Pumicestone Passage Catchment Management Body

Venue – Chill Cafe 89 The Esplanade Golden Beach.  Date – 25th September 2021. Time – 3pm to 5pm.

Due to covid restriction this event is limited to 60 people – to register go to-


Paul thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting at 4.33 Our next meeting will be at a venue and date to be advised as we have been informed that the Pelican Room will not be available.