2. Bribie Island Wash Over
It appears the meeting that is being organised by our State Member Jason Hunt MP with Dr Sel Sultmann and the Brisbane Harbour Master has been difficult to arrange. We will keep you updated.
Jason Hunt MP requested a summary document of the research Graeme, Ken and Paul have done on the Wash Over. Three short documents have been sent to Jason’s office.
In the meantime, Graeme is endeavouring to organise a meeting with Ali King MP the member for Pumicestone and with the Environment Minister Meagan Scanlan MP.
Susie Chapman is also speaking a person from National Parks and Wildlife about what can be done about the Wash Over.
A second meeting is being organised with the local Sunshine Coast Council. Ken will contact Graham Webb to set a time and date. No further update at this stage.
3. The Speed Limit Submission
The Submission has been sent to the State Member for Moreton Ali King MP and to Terry Landsberg our local Council representative. They all support the Submission.
In the meantime, MSQ has informed Jason Hunt’s office that they will be conducting a community consultation during November 2021 about changing the speed limit at the northern end of the Passage.
MSQ appear not to have used the TAPP Submission as a basis of their consultation.
4. TS Onslow
The mangroves continue to grow, and the native vegetation continues to flourish. A special thanks to Erica and Di for continuing to maintain the site and doing weed control.
5. Bush Care
The next one will be from 7:30-9:30am on Thursday November 11. We were given our bush-care shirts last month. A lovely long sleeved green shirt! Again, we planted quite a lot of trees and ground cover to protect the dunes.
6. PP Strategic Plan
The Pumicestone Passage Strategic Plan prepared by the Moreton Bay and Sunshine Coast Councils is in its final stages of development. It will be published in the next month. It is the template that will guide decision making about the Passage and the catchment over the next 5 years.
7. Convergence Website
You can now access most of the presentations given at the Convergence gathering that was held in February at the University of the Sunshine Coast. There are a few additions to be added. It is easy to access through the TAPP website.
8. TAPP Website Update
Jason Hunt’s staff has provided the training TAPP requested. The website will be updated in the next few weeks. Lissa continues to do a great job updating Facebook.
9. Interurban Break
SCEC have undertaken to organise a meeting about the proposed Halls Creek Stockland development. It is strongly opposed by the Sunshine Coast Council and TAPP. Currently no date has been set.
10. Pumicestone Passage Catchment Management Body
The PPCMB is continuing to meet and they move toward setting up a management body for the whole catchment and Passage area.
11. The Proposed Caloundra Youth Remand Centre
The Caloundra Youth Remand Centre continues to generate strong community reaction. The conversation continues.
12. Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter
An article will be published in the next newsletter.
13. Eco Caravan Park
The developers are keeping Ken updated on their proposed eco caravan development of the old strawberry farm at the end of Roys Road. Currently they are meeting all the environmental regulations. There is no further update at this stage.
14. Palm Lakes Pelican Waters Development
The developers have been contacted several times, but they have not responded. Ken is following up to see if a second meeting can be organised. There is no further update at this stage.
15. Caloundra Community Hub
The proposed community hub is being progressed. The old tourist information centre on the left-hand side of Caloundra Road as you drive into Caloundra is in the process of being set up now. Carla on behalf of the community groups involved has written to Harvey Norman requesting a coffee machine for the Hub.
16. New Road
A letter of support was sent to the Caloundra Liveability Alliance to review the current proposed road footprint that will seriously damage and impact Ben Bennett Park.
A second letter was sent to update the community groups about the Shelley/Moffat Beaches situation.
17. Bells Creek Erosion Project
The project recently funded a cultural and archaeological survey of the area. The report was pre-sented to TAPP this week. The Kabi Kabi people who took part in the survey commented that cul-tural heritage is a living culture and is about caring for country by preserving and looking after it to promote healthy people. Points of discussion included: –
· The area was obviously far richer in food sources than the present day – oyster shells were larger in the middens than those on the rocks at present. Small crustaceans and fish are no longer abundant.
· Large cypress trees associated with the middens are looking stressed and struggling to survive.
· Sea grass and habitat for larger animals are diminished.
· Water draining from the densely populated area of Pelican Waters is no longer filtered and there-fore is poorer in quality.
A number of recommendations were presented: –
· To reduce boat speed along Bells Creek or, in the absence of this regulation, some sort of wave bar-rier be put in place.
· Close off some of the pedestrian access points, monitor, and maintain others.
· That TAPP work with the Kabi Kabi People to complete a Cultural Heritage Management Plan to identify emerging threats and remedial actions
18. Climate Emergency/Crisis
A letter has been sent to the Sunshine Coast Council requesting that they like many other Council through-out Australia, declare a climate emergency/crisis.