Minutes of February General Meeting

Minutes of TAPP Inc. General Meeting February 9, 2021

Held at the Caloundra Power Boat Club

All welcomed by Paul Harney President of TAPP

  1. Member attendance: as per attendance book (17)

Apologies :- as per attendance book (5)

Welcome to Judy, a visitor to TAPP, who is a resident of Golden Beach, concerned about the erosion and pollution in the Passage.

Motion put that the apologies be accepted

Moved: Di                 Seconded: Muriel

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting – January update sent out to Members.

Motion put that the minutes of the November meeting be accepted as a true record of that meeting  

Moved: John                         Seconded: Col                                  Carried 

  1. Correspondence – Paul

* Golden Beach Neighbourhood Watch requested an article for their March newsletter. TAPP will send an article outlining our Bell’s Creek Revegetation Project.

The newsletters can be found in the right hand column under the heading titled “Newsletters” at this address    https://goldenbeach.nhwq.org/

* Email from Terry Landsberg regarding the Create Caloundra Project. To find out what the public said during the consultation period go to this address and click on the update




* Matthew Lynn– Environmental Director at Rotary Caloundra Pacific contacted us to see if the Rotary Club can assist us with any restoration projects. We will discuss our Bell’s Creek Project with them.

* Peter Dellow, the SC Council Natural Areas Team Leader and Adam Connell met with TAPP executive at Bell’s Creek to discuss the restoration project. Peter will follow through with TAPP and let us know what our next step should be.

* Andrew Wallace – letting us know that there are some grants available.

* Correspondence with Prof. Tom Baldock  from UQ. Tom Baldock was the supervising professor for Verity Taylors research on the sand drift along the coast in SE Qld. So we contacted him regarding the wash over at Bribie Island. He has informed us that he has applied for a  grant from Government agencies and Councils to research the wash-overs on the Island. He wasn’t able to provide us with any extra information other than to say that there were possible actions that could be taken but whether this is the best course of action would need to be carefully considered. He wished us well with our Convergence.

* Invitation for TAPP members to the PP Catchment Local Management Body meeting on Wed 10th Feb

* OSCAR Newsletter – access this at https://www.oscar.org.au/

Motion put that the correspondence be endorsed and accepted.

Moved: Allan                         Seconded: Graham               Carried


  1. Treasurer’s Report – John

TAPP General Account

As at 31 January 2021
Balance brought Forward from 31/12/2020 $                      16,377.10
Interest   01/01/2021 $                                  .13
Memberships: A & D Hede $                              40.00
Donations $
Bank Transaction Fees $                                 0.00
Direct Credit Deposit – See Memberships / Donations  
Balance as at 31/01/2021  $                        16,417.23


Financial Membership:  36 as at 31/01/2021

Motion put that the Treasurer’s report be accepted as a true record of our account

Moved: John             Seconded:  Graham             Carried


  1. Matters for Information

Open Consultation re Shelley Beach Coastal Study – Jude

SC Turtle Care requested that Council put up a shade at the end of William Street to protect the turtles nesting on the beach from the headlights of the cars as they stop at the car park. From Nov to March nesting turtles are easily disturbed by light shining on the beach. Some locals complained to Terry Landsberg and got up a petition which he presented to the December Council Meeting but meanwhile Council officers took the shade down. This is reigniting a long running controversy on Shelley Beach which started in 2016 when some residents wanted to create ‘visual amenity ‘by having view sheds cut into the cotton wood trees on the dunes. This proposal was rejected by Council but approximately $70,000 was spent on a study on cotton trees at Shelley Beach. Some work was completed at the car park – just the study for this cost $11,000. Now there is to be another study done on Shelley and Moffat Beach. Two beaches which are completely different in their structure and amenity. Moffat Beach as a surfing and picnic Beach is quite different to Shelley Beach which is a wildlife habitat.

When going onto the Council website ‘Have your say’ about Shelley Beach it is important to reiterate that Shelley Beach is a site where a critically endangered species comes to nest and it therefore needs to be protected at all costs. Click on this link for more information and to complete the survey, it closes on Feb 22nd.

Shelly Beach – Moffat Beach Coastal Study

There is also a petition which you can sign at this link –    http://chng.it/xLbZmN24DP

Update on Division 2 Meeting with Cr Terry Landsberg –Paul

This is a great initiative from Terry Landsberg. Eighteen community groups were represented at this last meeting, Each group raises issues which are important to them and each issue is addressed before the next meeting.

The summary of the meeting on 3rd Feb is attached to these minutes.

Update on the Pumicestone Passage Local Management Body – Graeme

Initially 64 people met 12 months ago to discuss issues regarding the management of the Pumicestone Passage. Out of this, a steering committee of 5 people formed to progress the idea and they have produced a document for the coordinated management of Pumicestone Passage in its entirety – fishing, agriculture, recreation, environment. Research was undertaken into the many different waterway management authorities and the Gold Coast management Water Authority had a management structure which seemed to suit our needs best, despite the differences in the two waterways. A public meeting will be held on Wed 10th Feb where the steering committee will present their journey so far.

After this public consultation the document will be presented to the Council and State Government. Legislation will need to be drawn up similar to the Gold Coast Management Body. Once legislated it will be an authority under the State Government with funding and a Board who will consult with all stakeholders on all issues to do with the Passage.

Research Project – Impact of Covid – Paul

Brady Sullivan is undertaking research into the effects of covid on businesses in our community and would like volunteers to assist him in gathering information. This won’t involve door knocking. If you are interested, please let us know.

TS Onslow Update– Di

The northern end has grown really well. Erica and Di have been weeding the southern end keeping the shrubs low, the whole space is now tidy and weed free. The newly planted area in front of the concrete blocks was washed away with the high tides and we will need to replant this area with pig face and other low grasses. The mangroves that were broken have not come back but the other newly planted mangroves have taken. The mangroves in the northern section have been trampled and removed, a sign requesting that people keep off that space to let it rejuvenate was removed within 24 hours of placing it.

  1. Matters for Discussion

Pumicestone Passage Convergence – John

The Pumicestone Catchment Convergence will be held next week on the 16th – 18th Feb.

This will involve input from all stakeholders in the Passage catchment. WPSQ  and TAPP are organising a time line of the history of the Passage. Thanks so much to Helen Kershaw, Elaine Green and Jude Crighton for all their work with this.

Attached are the objectives and a brief rundown of the 3 days. The full program continues to be finalized. Day three will involve a well facilitated planning session with all stakeholders together to review and update the Pumicestone Passage Action Plan. Registration is still possible at the link below. Concessions are very reasonable and the fee does include morning tea and lunch.

Learn more and buy tickets

Meeting with Jason Hunt MP Member for Caloundra – Paul

TAPP met with Jason Hunt and presented him again with the 12 issues which are important for the Passage. Jason was very supportive and responded well to most of the issues.

Attached are the 12 issues spoken about at the meeting and the actions which were determined at that meeting.

Bells Creek Erosion Control Project Paul /Ken

There are a number of fishing and/or canoeing access points along Bell’s Creek that have become more popular as the local population grows.  TAPP with Susie from Healthy Land and Water (HLW) have identified areas that will need revegetation, those that need to have a more formal entrance and those that need to be closed altogether. We have some support from Henzells in the form of engineering advice and education on their website. Funding for restoration is available from HLW. A Council survey of the areas vegetation and the wildlife was completed 10 years ago.  This project will progress more rapidly when the Pumicestone Catchment Convergence is over.

Golden Beach Revegetation Project – Ken

SC Council approached TAPP about revegetating an area from Bill’s Boats almost to McLean Street along Golden Beach. The Council will provide the plants and any material needed. The Council will advise us as to where and how to plant specific plants but we will need to commit to doing the actual weeding, planting and caring for these plants. Therefore, we will need at least 8 or so volunteers.

SC Council purchasing significant sites – Ken/Carla

TAPP has alerted Council that Roy’s farm on Roy’s Road along Coochin Creek and the Passage has come up for sale and that we feel it is a significant site for Council to purchase for regeneration. Council responded saying that they have approached the sellers. So hopefully we will have a good outcome there.

  1. Around the Table

Col – Moved a motion that we formally congratulate Ken Mewburn for his Order of Australia Medal awarded to him on Australia day this year for his contribution to the environment.

We feel this was very well deserved and an appropriate recognition of all Ken’s hard work over many years.

Moved: Col                            Seconded: Carla                    Carried


Ian – noticed that the advertisement for the sale of the property at Roys Rd stated that ‘in future government this property might be potential for development’ which is very worrying!

Ian was also appalled at the Councils actions in removing the shade cloth at Shelley Beach during the turtle- nesting season and wrote to the newspaper as well as Council. The plants Council has placed to protect the turtles are just grass and won’t offer any light protection.


 Tony – There has been an increase in stonefish stings at Bulcock and Golden Beach, which is probably due to the increase in the number of rock groynes which Council are putting along Golden Beach. The number of stings has doubled this year. People are swimming in the small bay between Happy Valley and Bulcock Beach and this is where there are stonefish. TAPP has mentioned this in our submission to the Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy.


Judy – after attending today’s meeting feels very confident that something is being done for the Passage. It was good to hear about all the things that are happening.

Helen – Ken and Helen are continuing to talk to various U3A groups about the Passage and waste reduction in our community.


John – brought in a 23 year old SC Daily newspaper in to show us. The Headlines were “Calls for jet-ski bans in Pumicestone”


Jude – The study of Moffat and Shelly Beach is just one study but with respect to anywhere where we have coastal management we don’t want to set a precedence where real estate values are given preference over natural values. This was the concern when this started in 2015 – 17 – that this problem concerned a small area but it will set a precedence that will affect all of our coastline. There is a lot of pressure on Council from beachfront owners to preserve views.


Tom – Would like to wish Graeme and the steering committee all the best with the Pumicestone Passage Management Body.  Also thanks to the TAPP Committee for all the work they have put into the Convergence.


Graeme – There is a plethora of issues in the management of the Passage the trouble is that it is all being handled by different people and there is a lack of co-ordination, money and management. This body wants to be able to pull things together and be able to tackle the problems in a coordinated and efficient manner.


Di –We need to make sure that the environmental values will dominate in this management group, that the Ramsar site is raised as the most significant point; it would be easy to have commercial values overtaking environmental values. We need the right people on the management group.


Carla – After the big storm, we lost several trees along the foreshore. When we asked Council officers about this, we were told that these trees are not replaced. Council policy is one where overall canopy is considered and the trees will be replaced but not necessarily in the  place where the old one was. This means that over time our foreshore will have no trees.  Paul has written to Terry Landsberg about this issue.


Paul thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting at 4.20

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 9th March at 3.00 pm at the Caloundra Power Boat Club.