March General TAPP Meeting

Minutes of TAPP Inc General Meeting 7th March 2023

Held at the Caloundra Power Boat Club

Welcome to Country: Ken acknowledged the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet. He then welcomed members in attendance at the meeting.

Members Attendance: 10 from attendance book.

Apologies: 7 as listed in attendance book.

  1. General Meeting

Minutes of meeting held 14th February.

Motion by Helen, seconded by Graeme that minutes be accepted.                    Carried.


Correspondence Summary TAPP Inc Meeting 7th March 2023

February Emails In: 13

March Emails In: 6

February Emails Out: 8

March Emails Out: 7

Emails In:

  • Keeping SEQ Special Discussion Document from SEQCA
  • Protect Queensland Landscape Environment Discussion Document SEQCA
  • Brisbane Olympics Legacy
  • Report on a Page: Report of Audit of DES implementations of Conserving Threatened Species.
  • News item: Ecosystem Collapse Inevitable unless wildlife loss reversed.
  • Analysis of the Government Plan to protect 30% of Australia’s land and sea by 2030.
  • Notice and Link for tickets to Pumicestone Rocks festival Sunday 23rd April
  • Request for volunteers for Festival from GBPWCA.

Emails Out:

  • Insurance Survey to QWALC
  • Notices to members

Letter Out:

  • Minister for Environment Hon Meaghan Scanlon, Citizen Science information re impacts of Bribie Island Breakthrough.
  • Jason Hunt
  • Emma Thomas CEO SCRC
  • Terry Landsberg Div 2
  • Maria Suarez Div. 9 Environment
  • Peter Cox Div 3 Healthy Waterways and Environment

This letter was read out to members at the meeting and will include photographs of identified changes and will be sent via ordinary post as too big to email.

Motion by Graeme that inwards correspondence be accepted and outward be endorsed.  Seconded John                                                           Carried

Summary of Treasurer’s Report

TAPP general Account as at 1/2/2023                                                           $12472.07

Income, Membership, and Interest                                                                $      40.13

Payment to Mandrake accounting                                                                  $      10.00

Balance 28/02/2023                                                                                           $12502.20

Bells Creek Fund Administration Account                                                      $  1950.81

Balance General Account and Bells creek Admin Account          $ 14453.01

Moved by Ken that Treasurer’s Report be accepted.   Seconded Lyn    Carried

  1. Matters for Information

Bribie Island Report:

  • Graeme reported that the Consultant Report commissioned by Government on Bribie Island Breakthrough has now been received. The document is based on five different potential reasons for erosion that we asked the Department of Environment to examine. It could be classified as an extremely thin document. The Document we have received is the third revision by BMT (British Maritme Technologies) and is shown as “Unofficial”. They have done a desktop study and referenced previous reports but appear not to have taken measurements to check or confirm erosion. The report denies that any impact exists from shipping in the nearby channel. The Harbour Master reports in the Beacon to Beacon Guide that severe turbulence can exist behind large vessels. The Brisbane ferries were specially designed to ensure they did not cause erosion in the Brisbane River. It is unlikely that large ships would not contribute to erosion near the coast. Other community considered reasons for erosion have been similarly stated as insignificant.

Ken has sent a list of questions to Jason Hunt who has forwarded these to the Minister. Graeme will do likewise with several questions of a slightly different nature. Hopefully the Minister will provide answers.

There is considerable variance in reports of rates of erosion and width of the Island. The Lead Light was put on the Island in 1987 and was a perfect datum point from which to make measurements. In the 35 years from 1987 until the breakthrough in 2022, it should be a simple matter to calculate the rate of erosion, however, reported width of the Island varies from 280 metres to 44 metres in 1987. This would make any sensible calculation of erosion difficult if not impossible.

Some general discussion followed regarding possible outcomes resulting from the Bribie Island breakthrough.

Inter-Urban Break:

  • Discussion about the IUB and a new handout. Graeme has been working on revising the handout currently produced by TAPP. The existing handout does not explain the benefits of the IUB, rather expands the risks and looks to the community for support of the area. Population in the Catchment is destined to be far greater than recommended in the 1982 Land Use Study and it is essential that the attributes of the IUB, which covers approximately 50% of the area of the catchment, can be preserved.

The document should include features of the total area, not simply the Pumicestone Passage. The Sunshine Coast Biosphere is now one of those features, the Glass House Mountains another. The handout in its current form is considered too “wordy” and needs to be streamlined. The addition of a map of the area would help people to identify with the issues.

There is a need to protect Cultural Heritage areas, health and social benefits, recreational and economic returns from the region. The IUB contains elements of 5 Regional Ecosystems and provides educational benefits. The IUB Outdoor Recreation Plan details the above in a list of Key Values. These are listed as Landscape Values, Environmental Values, Cultural Values, Land Use Values and Economic values. It is prudent that our brochure include these and is consistent with the Outdoor Recreation Document produced by Sunshine Coast Council.

Community education is an essential requisite to gain support for a defined area for the IUB. We need to “sell” the IUB and the existing document is limited in this. SCEC will be meeting with TAPP and some other Community Group representatives on 22nd March at the Power Boat Club to discuss our future action to support the Inter Uban Break.

Citizen Science Questions for Government:

  • The letter approved in Correspondence provides photos of changes observed in the Passage and surrounding waterways and wetlands with questions regarding mitigation for the impacts that have resulted.

The Citizen Science studies have proved beneficial in identifying changes that are a direct result of the Bribie breakthrough. We need a response from Government to understand plans that may be underway to mitigate some issues, or if not, to ensure that Government is aware of the impact resulting from the breakthrough and encourage them to respond effectively. Council are currently left holding full responsibility for the consequences and are limited to actions within the Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy. (CHAS)

  1. Matters for Discussion:

TAPP Strategic Plan:

  • The Strategic Plan covers all issues in our objective. The Plan is designed to provide guidance for current and future operations for TAPP. The Plan is based on our Aim to Enhance and Protect the Environment of the Pumicestone Passage.

TAPP created a Strategic Plan in 2014 and updated in 2016. Activities have changed sufficiently to require the Plan be reviewed. Some of the objective titles have changed to suit the current requirements. An advantage of the Strategic Plan is that members know exactly what objectives are held by the Committee on behalf of members, who can then assist the group by providing input and assistance in areas with which they are familiar or comfortable. Previously we have designated members, including Committee members, to be responsible for a specific activity on the Plan. They would then be able to report at each meeting any specific activities or changes within that designated area of the plan. We hope to reintroduce this factor to future meetings and will discuss again.

One of the changes in this plan is to Increase TAPP affiliation with local Community Groups. We are involved with representation on the Caloundra Liveability Alliance, (CLA), which is a local alliance of community groups. This allows individual group issues to be supported by other groups in the community. By using the Alliance, we add numbers to our membership when seeking changes and actions within the community.

Progression Planning:

  • TAPP have no planned system of progression in the committee, or any level of support training to encourage members to take an active role on the Committee or to accept a leadership role in any manner.

A risk with lack of progression training is that a community group can cease to exist due to sudden loss or continued absence of committee members. TAPP has been operational since 1st December 2010 and has been instrumental in some effective changes that have had benefits for the Pumicestone Passage and the community in general. A planned progression within the group is therefore essential to our future long-term operation.

Additional Committee Members:

  • Denise agreed at the meeting to become a Committee member and requested training as she feels she does not have full understanding of many of the issues with which we are involved. We welcome her to the Committee and will ensure that all necessary information will be supplied progressively to provide her with the ability to adapt to the role. When TAPP was formed, none of the current Committee had vast experience in any role or great knowledge of the issues with which we have become involved. It has always been a learning experience, but this knowledge should now be passed to members willing to accept opportunity to join the Committee and aspire to leadership of TAPP.

World Environment Day Planning:

  • At the last meeting, members agreed to be involved with a World Environment Day event this year. Fraser Park was selected as the most appropriate location for this and the event would be celebrated on Sunday 4th

To conduct this event, TAPP needs approval to use the Park and funding to develop the event. Ken has made approach to the Council for a permit to use the park. This involves completing a very comprehensive application, which includes requirement for Council to be shown as a party of interest on our Insurance. I have applied for this with our new Insurance application and expect the new policy by 1st April.

We are not permitted to advertise the event publicly before approval is granted, however, we are able to invite local Not For Profit Community Groups to participate. Organisation of attendees and activities for the event will be commenced and it is anticipated that we will get our approval from Council by end of April or early May. We will at this time be able to publicly advertise the event, hopefully by then Community Groups and activities for the day will have been arranged.

Funding has tentatively been arranged through Stockland who through their Community Grants program provided funding for last year’s event.

Members assistance will be required to organize and run this event. Hopefully a committee meeting can be held before the next general meeting in April to commence detailed planning arrangements.

  1. New Business:

None presented for discussion.

  1. General Business:

SEQCA Report

  • Tony provided a report on recent reports from SEQCA (South East Queensland Community Association). There are several issues involved with the planning for the Olympics and new Government Environmental Planning that could involve our planning in relation the IUB and the Pumicestone Catchment.

SEQCA involves community groups from SEQ and the Gold Coast areas. Tony is a representative on the Committee for CRA and OSCAR. (CRA is Caloundra residents Association and OSCAR, Organisation Sunshine Coast Association of Residents.)

SEQCA believe too much of community group input is negative and are looking to convert this to a positive so are setting up a project called “Keeping SEQ Special”. There have been some preliminary notes sent out asking for input on what we want kept special. A document has been written by Phillipa England of Griffith University and it is all in her name stating what she wants. SEQCA has set a target to rewrite that by end of April for general circulation. It will be presented at a Conference run by Gecko on the Gold Coast on 10th June. Gecko is the Gold Coast equivalent of OSCAR.

There has been action in Brisbane to make submission to a Green Overlay to be added to the Planning Scheme. This is being proved and tested at Spring Hill. Developers have taken an interest as they are required to pay a levy which goes to general revenue and is not used for environmental benefit. There is now a green layer added to the Brisbane Planning Scheme. There is a suggestion that all local groups go to Council to request the same in the new Planning Schemes. Currently no plans for where trees go or what type of trees.

  • A report of the new Fderal Government has mandated to protect 30% of Australia for environmental protection. This should be included in the new SEQRP (South East Queensland Regional Plan) and the new Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme. The Gold Coast have had 14 amendments rejected by Government in their Planning Scheme presented at the end of last year. A new directive by government is that the housing provision must be doubled in all Plans. This information is of value when considering plans for the protection of the IUB. There is also a risk that the SEQRP will be a directive rather than a consultative process.
  • SEQCA is approaching all departments and obtaining the maps for environmental protection etc. Areas involve several environmental regions, cultural heritage areas etc. Sunshine Coast area doing OK but none currently in the Planning Scheme. The maps will be compared from Federal State and Local government and local plans to see that they are consistent. It is important that people be active in review of the Regional Plans as well as the Local Plans. A further report will be available after the March meeting of SEQCA. The preliminary reports as provided by Tony are not for public release yet, however, his summary has given TAPP a good lead to the changes expected and provides background for consideration in actions, particularly for the IUB. OSCAR has requested approval to use the IUB Information document supplied by TAPP. Approval given.


Convergence Follow-up discussion postponed due to time constraints and will be an Agenda item for next meeting.

6.Around the Table

  • Tony made the comment that there has been a stonefish sting every weekend for the last month at Ithaca, Bulcock Beach.

Note: This is likely to be a sign of the future due to the increasing use of rock walls and structures, specifically now since the Bribie Island breakthrough. Rock walls are the primary method of erosion control to protect shoreline infrastructure.

  1. Next Meeting 

Next meeting will be at the Power Boat Club at 3:00 pm on Tuesday 4th April.

  1. Close Meeting

      The meeting closed at 4:25 pm