1. Greetings
The TAPP Executive had a teleconference on Tuesday May 5th and we provide you with the following update on current TAPP involvements. We have attached a photo of a recent sunrise over the Pumicestone Passage which reminds us of the extraordinary beauty of the Passage and the responsibility we have to continue to do all we can to protect and enhance this wonderful place in which we live.

2. Vice President
You might remember Brady Sullivan stepped down from his position as Vice President in order to avoid any perceived conflict of interest while he was running to be a local councilor. Brady has accepted our invitation to return to the position of Vice President of TAPP. We thank Brady for his generosity and I am sure we all shared in his disappointment.
3. Pelican Waters Southern Lakes
Ken is endeavouring to contact Henzells in order to set a date for the Jensen Park site visit and to explore a number of questions with them about the Southern Lakes development. When he knows more we will let you know.
4. World Environment Day (WED)
The Sunshine Coast Environmental Council (SCEC) is developing WED fest to be delivered in a digital format. The event will be conducted over 3 days from Friday June 5th to Sunday June 7th. There will be live streaming on Sunday afternoon between 1:30 – 5:30pm. TAPP has been invited to participate and currently we are looking at the possibility of using the video we made for the TS Onslow project. Carla is coordinating our efforts. One of the constraints is that SCEC has set a May 8th deadline.
Find more information at – https://www.facebook.com/events/2508396676080479/
John will renew our group membership with SCEC.
5. Houseboats on the Passage
Carla received an email from Sam Miles at Parks and Wildlife about the boats that are dumping effluent into the Passage. He told Carla that he would look into the problem and contact Maritime Safety Qld as it also falls into their jurisdiction. We will keep you informed.
6. Pumicestone Passage Management Authority
The sub group that was formed at the last meeting is continuing to gather relevant information for discussion at the next meeting of the larger group. One model that will be reviewed is the one the Noosa Council has set up. They have set up an Authority to be a one stop shop for any issues that impact the Noosa River. This may be a model we can learn from as we move forward.
Mark McArdle MP is endeavouring to source other management models that have been established around Australia. A teleconference will be organised in the next few weeks.
7. Pumicestone Passage Convergence Forum
The planning group had a team video conference on Tuesday April 28th. Those that are planning the forum for early 2021 are moving the agenda along under the guidance of Susie Chapman. The groups that are to be invited to do presentations at the Forum are currently being finalised.
8. Aura
Mark Stevens from Stockland has sent a link to TAPP so that we can access their Annual Compliance Report. You can click on the link to read the report.
9. Healthy Land & Water
Susie Chapman advised us that a joint submission from Queensland Fire & Biodiversity and Healthy Land & Water Consortium has been submitted to the Royal Commission into Bush Fires. Their latest news update is also available on their website.
10. Our Resilient Coast
The project team have sent us a link which provides a brief update on the work that has been in progress since December and the expected timeline for completion of Our Resilient Coast Our Future. new project update
They have also sent a Fact Sheet which provides information regarding the range of ways we can adapt to coastal hazards such as erosion and inundation. Fact Sheet
We are looking forward to meeting again at the Power Boat Club when it reopens.
Until then stay safe and well.
Paul, Carla, John and Brady (TAPP Executive).