Minutes of TAPP Inc. General Meeting 8th October 2019
Held in the Wave Room at Caloundra Power Boat Club
Member Attendance:- Ken Mewburn, Brady Sullivan, Muriel Bates, Randy Lagerway, Paul Harney , Kerrie Chandler, Colin White, Jill Chamberlain, Allan McKay, Carla Clynick, Helen Crook, Michael McNamara, John Roberts, Rick Albert, Erica Mansfield, Tony Powell, Jude Crighton, Dianne Hearn and Lissa Ware
Apologies: None advised
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Motion put that the minutes of previous meeting be accepted as a true record of that meeting.
Moved: Paul Seconded: Colin Carried
Correspondence – Paul
- Email from John Roberts regarding the petition to the Federal Government for urgent action on Climate Change. If you would like to sign this petition the link is https://www.aph.gov.au/petition_sign?id=EN1041
- SEA life Sunshine Coast contacted us as they heard about the TS Onslow Shoreline Project and are keen to meet with TAPP representatives on 22nd or 23rd October
- Organization Sunshine Coast Association of Residents (OSCAR) Newsletter
- Survey from SC Council re accessing workers
- Jason Hunt, who will be contesting the state seat for this region in the coming election contacted Ken asking TAPP for a list of 10 priorities for the Passage.
- A Letter was sent to the developers of Palm Lakes at Pelican Waters Golf Precinct. We received a response agreeing to meet in November and walk through the development proposals.
- A Letter was sent to the Minister for Transport and Main Roads, with copies to the Shadow Minister and Mark McArdle, about the duplication of the Bruce Highway on the eastern side. This is an issue which is very important to the health of the Pumicestone Passage as it would have an extremely detrimental effect. The inter-urban break would be compromised and development on the wetlands feeding the Passage would be inevitable
- A letter out to Unity Water regarding the proposed dump points and or pump out facilities for the Passage
Motion put that the correspondence be endorsed and accepted.
Moved: Paul Seconded: Di Carried
Treasurer’s Report – Lissa
As at 31 September 2019
TAPP General Account
Balance Brought Forward from 31/08/2019 $ 4743.09
Less Grant Funds $ 2573.77
$ 2169.32
Interest 01/09/2019 $ 0.64
Membership and Donations $ 70.00
Cheques #57, #60 admin/clerical $ 116.60
Balance as at 30/9/2019 $ 2123.36
TAPP Grant Account
Balance Brought Forward from 31/8/2019 $ 2573.77
Transaction Fees (EFT’s) $ 10.10
Balance as at 31/09/2019 $ 2563.67
Closing Balance as at 30/09/2019 $ 4687.03
(Add General Account and Grant Account)
Financial Membership: 31 (as at 30/09/2019)
Motion put that the Treasurer’s reports be accepted as a true record of our account to date.
Moved: Lissa Seconded: John Carried
Business Arising From Minutes
The TS Onslow final report to Department of Agriculture and Fisheries was submitted by Susie Chapman and is available on our website. It clearly sets out that what we aimed to achieve was achieved. A small group of people have been going down to water every second day – Particular thanks to Erica who has mulched the plants with seaweed, which has been a great help. Watering will now be reduced to twice a week and a new roster will come out for October.
Palm Lakes Development at Pelican Waters Golf Club Estate – Paul
Executive meeting to discuss who should meet with the developers in November
New Business
Website Launch and Face-book – Randy/Brady
Launch was by both Mark McArdle and TAPP. A huge thank you to Randy Lagerway for all the work in getting it so well set up and also for his patience in familiarizing the (older) TAPP executive with the running of the site.
We have had a greater interest in TAPP since the website has been up and particularly as the Face book page now links the site as well. It is a great source for information as it will be one of the pages that will come up when people go on to their search engines looking for data about the Passage.
Thanks also to Lissa for all the time that she has put into keeping the face book page active.
New Member – Tony – joined the meeting as an interested local. He has been involved in various SC environmental events for many years – particularly World Environment Day held in Cotton Tree.
Article in the Local Paper – Brady
Local journalist Lacee Froeschl wrote an article for the Sunshine Coast Daily about the great work TAPP has been doing at TS Onslow and the Passage. Lacee’s stories often end up in the local free paper and she is keen to publish local news.
TAPP donation to Organization Sunshine Coast Association of Residents (OSCAR) –
OSCAR is an umbrella group for community groups. They are very actively working for the community and often contact Council and government agencies on behalf of smaller groups and Council will often ask them to represent the community during community consultation events. They encourage Councils to be more transparent.
Motion put that TAPP contribute $100 to OSCAR – this being $30 for fees and $70 donation in appreciation for all the work they do.
Moved: Brady Seconded: Kerrie Carried
Paul and Di attended the previous OSCAR meeting and the report is attached.
Discussion about the new council divisional boundaries – not much change to the divisions 1 and 2. Part of the dunal area near Currimundi Lake will be moving into Division 2
Meeting at SC University (USC) – Ken/Brady/Paul
On 24th Oct Ken, Brady, Randy, Paul and Susie Chapman met with three university lecturers to discuss possible research into the Pumicestone Passage. It was decided to arrange a forum to follow up on the 2011 forum called ‘What we know about Pumicestone? ’ in June next year. Susie suggested the next forum be called ‘What can we do about the Passage’ as we already know quite a bit! There will be a meeting at USC on Friday 11th to discuss this further. We will put the summary of the previous presenters on the website.
Work at Onslow site – Ken
The BESE blocks are moving up the holding pegs as the tide comes in. Ken has secured a couple of them with ropes to prevent this from happening. More will need to be roped down as time goes on.
Federal and Council Government Grant application opportunity – Paul
Grants from the Federal Govt. and the SC Council are available at present. TAPP will not be applying for one at this stage as there are no pressing issues and we are still busy with the TS Onslow Project. Suggest that we build up a bit of a list of possible projects as they occur to us and if there is something that comes out of the research at USC that needs our attention.
SC Council – ‘Our Resilient Coast, Our Future’ Update – Ken
Ken will attend another meeting this Friday 11th Oct. This meeting will look at things like coastal hazard scenarios, flooding, the Blue Heart Project and storm tide inundation.
Information is available on SC Councils web page with updates on the project meetings and the ability to put photos about coast hazards or coast ‘uses’ on an interactive map –
Recognition of TAPP Services – Brady
At our AGM Col put a motion about issuing life membership and certificates of Appreciation to recognize significant contribution to TAPP. The executive meeting decided that as we are yet a young group it is difficult to offer life membership but we definitely could have Certificates of Appreciation both internally and externally to those who support us. Col responded to the executive decision saying that Life Membership is a very special expression of appreciation and agreed that TAPP is still a young group but to perhaps keep Life Membership in mind. Certificates of appreciation are also a curtesy to those who support us and can be a boost to our group as they are often pinned on the walls of organizations who receive them.
Motion moved that TAPP make Certificates of Appreciation available as recognition of support for TAPP
Moved: Col Seconded: Randy Carried
TAPP’s nomination for Environmental Contributor for the year and Ken’s nomination for Caloundra’s Hall of Fame
Congratulations to both
The morning tea will be on Friday 11th at 9:30 Kerrie and Allen will represent TAPP at this function as TAPP executive will be at the USC meeting.
Donation to Yaroomba Fund – Carla
TAPP has donated $100 to Save Yaroomba Fund. It was decided that this is sufficient at this time and individuals could make a further donation via the website http://www.saveyaroomba.com.au
Houseboat Issue – Carla
We contacted Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ) in regard to the Houseboat which is often parked illegally in the Passage – also mentioned the sewage issue and requested that they visit the site. They have acknowledged receipt of the email but have not yet replied.
Michael suggested we contact Qld Parks and Wildlife (QPW) as there is also another boat that is illegally tying up to the trees on the shoreline of Bribie Island and as it is in the Marine Park it is under their jurisdiction not MSQ
Kerrie has photos and information which she will forward to Carla so a letter can be sent to QPWS
Biosphere Update – Ken
The purpose of the Community Reference Group (CRG), of which Ken is a member, is to read the 235 page long application form and write a letter of support to the Council. There will be 2 more meetings and the application will then go to Council on the 24th October and there will be a special General Council Meeting which the public should be able to attend. It will then go to the State and Federal Govt’s and then finally sent to the UNESCO for approval by June 2021.
It is possible to view the details about the nomination at
Reports back to TAPP meetings – Paul
It is important for Members who go to meetings representing TAPP give a brief report on the relevant issues that were discussed. It would be nice to spread these meetings among the membership – it doesn’t always need to be the Executive.
Upcoming Events – Ken / Group members
Muriel – Country Women’s Association is having a Melbourne Cup Luncheon at 17 Kalinga Street Caloundra – see the message on Facebook@QCWA Caloundra
Reports from other community groups – Jude (Qld Wildlife Preservation Society)
Ben Bennet Park will be negatively impacted with the redirection of traffic from the Nicklin Way into Caloundra through Ben Bennet Reserve and via third Avenue. Apparently, no state main roads funding has yet been allocated to this project.
The group who attended the council meeting, held at the end August, about the cotton tree issue at Shelley Beach received the meeting minutes last week. The group feel that the meeting raised more issues than it answered. The group has follow up questions, which they have not yet had time to pursue.
Around the Table
Di – During the school holidays and the recent long weekend there were many jet skis and boats – it is a safety issue but it would be interesting to see if there is any information from the University research regarding the impact that these have on erosion, vegetation and fauna in the Passage.
Paul – Speedboat and Jet Ski traffic in confined spaces like the Passage is damaging to the fish life.
The problem is that the traffic on the Passage is not being policed.
Lissa – Saw a large turtle swimming in the northern end of the Passage recently. Has also seen what appears to be a man-made structure on the Bribie Is. side of the Passage opposite the Bulcock Beach surf club.
John – Turtle Care Season has commenced
Helen – Would like to discuss the Tripcony Caravan Park Issue. Brady will fill us in at the next TAPP meeting. Briefly – Council was in a position to protest at the time it was sold in 2015. There is still an historical covenant, which registers it as a caravan park, but this may not mean much. Their proposal at the moment is to reconfigure the caravan park. The wheels are in motion for development on the site – residents have been told to vacate.
Brady thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting at 4:30 pm
Next Meeting will be at 3:00pm on Tuesday November 12th in the Wave Room upstairs at the Power Boat Club