Michael Robinson and Michelle McAndrew (HQPlantations)

Michael Robinson has worked in the forest and timber industry with a focus on sustainable, commercial plantation timber production for over 40 years. He has a Bachelor degree in Forest Science and has held a range of field, operational policy development, research and development management and senior management roles. He is currently the Regional Manager for HQPlantations Coastal and Central Queensland Region with responsibility for the management of plantations from Beerburrum to Byfield in Central Queensland.

Michelle McAndrew grew up in Southern NSW on Ngunnawal Country and has always had a passion for sustainable land use. She has Bachelor degree in Forest Science and has been a forester with HQPlantations and its predecessors for 20 years. Michelle is the Stewardship Systems Manager for the company and is responsible for ensuring the forest practices and systems in place meet the requirements of contemporary, third party verified, sustainable forest management standards.


HQPlantations sustainably manages 27,000 ha of softwood plantations within the Pumicestone Catchment on behalf of institutional investors. The plantations are mostly on State land, available for public access and recognised as an important part of inter-urban break. The area is experiencing exponential growth in outdoor recreation, compounding management issues of this important commercial plantation timber production area and green space that extends from the D’Aguilar Range to the Pumicestone Passage shoreline. Providing a safe workplace, managing increasing recreation demand of lawful and responsible recreation as well as unauthorised and illegal activities to within the constraints of the delegated powers of the landowner and available resources is an ongoing issue. The challenges include (in no particular order): · A sense of entitlement associated with public land · Public disregard for the safety of others and wilful destruction of environmental values and property · HQPlantations has very limited powers to enforce compliance with legal requirements for public use and access

Increasing pressure expected from new and future residential developments on the plantation boundary · Conflict with primary business purpose and maintaining commercial viability Management actions include developing partnerships and involving key regulators, land managers and community groups. Several existing and planned initiatives will be discussed in this presentation.

Supporting Documents