Convergence workshop notes

Traditional Knowledge – First Nations people involvement

Susie Chapman

Knowledge gaps and actions needed

  • Knowledge, language, values, culture:
    • Need to enable capacity- building, knowledge sharing and participation within Traditional Owner groups, which requires behavioural change of researchers, practitioners etc.
    • Education to public about implications of Native Title Registration for Kabi Kabi
    • Walking the landscape’ to include indigenous values and knowledge
    • Continuation of education (formal) syllabus of Aboriginal history, culture, language, values, practices
    • Oyster rock formation – can we use these?
    • Dual naming: use Aboriginal names where they exist and support the creation of new naming to keep language alive
    • Need access to public and private lands to maintain cultural values
    • Acknowledging indigenous engineering and incorporating practices in engineering courses
    • Need to develop mutual respect between all agencies, Councils and First Nations people to work together
    • Respect Traditional timeframes – ‘Murri time’
  • Funding/potential enterprise
    • Need to address the lack of funding to engage with First Nations people properly for true value.
    • Need more funding to support First Nations people to work on practical project on Country, and training to pass knowledge on to others.
    • Use native species more – ‘Paddock to Plate’ with native bushfoods – more suited to climate, less pest pressure.
    • Development of agricultural enterprises
    • Need to develop knowledge of traditional trading, perhaps leading to economic opportunities now
  • Planning:
    • What would an indigenous integrated ecosystem service framework look like, and how would you get it into planning? ,
    • Need to ensure that Cultural Heritage Management Plans are developed and undertaken at the outset of planning for development not tacked on at the end.
    • Could we incorporate traditional knowledge of bioindicators into our recreation to make it more sustainable?
    • Ensure indigenous values and knowledge are included in all planning schemes and documents – need triggers in place.
    • Where are they today??
  • Management:
    • Two way approach to management
    • Supporting their risk reduction practices eg cultural burning
    • Need to overcome barriers of WHS, Certificates etc for cultural burning eg involve QFRIS, QFES etc.
  • Engagement:
    • How to engage? Time frames, processes if indigenous decision-making etc. Traditionally the whole of the community makes the decisions.


Geographical issues

Area 1:

  1. Need to plan and manage intense marine recreational use eg jetskis and kites – speed, density, accessibility – should be a focus
  2. Cultural landscape mapping and protection

Area 2:

Similar concerns and pressures to Area 1

  1. Need for waterways management plan – speed, density, accessibility
  2. Need to question placement of the Green Zones as to the depth of water.
  3. Reduce shorebirds impact – more roosting sites need protection
  4. ecosystem functioning eg shellfish habitat
  5. cultural heritage values mapped and protected

Area 3 & 4

  1. 4WD on sand beaches must be restricted, particularly in turtle nesting season
  2. Protection of natural assets (protection post forestry)
  3. Protect turtle hatchery
  4. Cultural landscape mapping and protection needs to be fed into Council and QPWS strategies
  5. Rehabilitation to improve and restore ecological and cultural values

Area 5

  1. What happens after the 100 year HQ Plantations forestry lease
  2. Unsealed road surface drainage and stabilization – some control of 4WDs needed
  3. Litter problem needs to be addressed
  4. Keep interurban break
  5. Education campaign about value of environment – whole Passage.

Areas 6a and 6b

  1. Manage water demand
  2. Green infrastructure provides cooling effect
  3. Flora and fauna management – domestic and animal control
  4. Habitat linkage – separation of suburbs

Areas 7a and 7b

  1. Control development in low-lying areas
  2. Control development in horticultural areas
  3. Saltmarsh/mangrove mapping, protection and enhancement

(climate change impacts understood)

  1. Protect agricultural areas and ecosystem function for agriculture and associated jobs


Top 5

  1. Complete understanding of ecological values and function/processes across catchment and Passage
  2. Acceptable recreation plan – best practice guidelines for recreation
  3. Better understanding of (people) carrying capacity
  4. Maintain and improve inter-urban break
  5. Improved marine ecology – includes good transport plan, better water quality

+ 6. more funding and co-operation